Чин Истеҳсолкунандагон ва таъминкунандагони хидмати намунавӣ | CCIC

Хадамоти интихоб

Кӯтоҳ Тавсифи:

We offer a sampling service, giving you the opportunity to properly evaluate products before you buy or before shipment.Sampling service also called Sample pick-up service,it refers to the random sampling of products from mass production, the samples represent the quality of the whole batch of goods, for reference by customers, or for laboratory testing and other uses.Samples are usually taken, packaged, arranged at the customer's designated factory or at a specific location, and sent to th...

  • China inspection company: CCIC inspection company
  • final random inspection: quality control inspection
  • pre dispatch inspection service: Amazon FBA product inspection
  • pre-shipment inspection service: before shipment inspection service
  • third party inspection company: third party inspection agent
  • Amazon inspection service: quality inspection company
  • Detail Маҳсулоти

    CCIC-FCT thirty party inspection company,provide inspection service to global buyers

    Tags Маҳсулоти

    Мо хидмати интихобро пешниҳод намуда, ба шумо имконият медиҳем, ки маҳсулотро пеш аз харидан ё пеш аз фиристодан баҳои дуруст диҳед.

    Хизматрасонии интихобкунӣ инчунин хидмати ҷамъоварии намуна номида мешавад, ки ин ба интихоби тасодуфии маҳсулот аз истеҳсоли оммавӣ мансуб аст, намунаҳо сифати тамоми партияро ифода мекунанд, барои истинод аз ҷониби муштариён, ё барои санҷиши лабораторӣ ва истифодаи дигар.

    Samples are usually taken, packaged, arranged at the customer's designated factory or at a specific location, and sent to the customer's designated address, and a sample report is issued.Product samples are dispatched within 24 hours, from our purpose-built facilities, with comprehensive support documentation (including Certificates of Analysis where appropriate).

    Барои гирифтани маълумоти бештар дар бораи он, ки чӣ гуна хидматрасонии CCIC-и мо ба шумо кӯмак мерасонад, бо мо тамос гиред.

  • Гузашта:
  • Баъдӣ:

  • CCIC-FCT thirty party inspection company,provide inspection service to global buyers.

  • ин ҷо Паёми худро нависед ва онро ба мо
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