Shirkadda baarista iyo baarista qeybta saddexaad
China Certification & Inspection Group Fujian Co.,Ltd.(abbreviated as CCICFJ)was invested by China Certification & Inspection Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as CCIC). It is a comprehensive third-party organization with inspection, testing, identification and technical services.
CCICFJ has thoroughly established quality management system which in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020,and been accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS) and certificated by Certification And Accreditation Administration Of P.R.C(CNCA) .
Maaddaama mid ka mid ah shirkadaha ugu sumcadda iyo xirfad-baarista iyo tijaabinta shirkadaha Shiinaha, shirkadeena ay ka go'an tahay inay siiso macaamiisha adduunka oo idil adeeg muddo-dheer ah, xirfad-yaqaanno iyo "hal-joogsi" xalal isku dhafan. Adeegyadeennu waxay u qaybsan yihiin 2 qaybood oo waaweyn: kormeerka iyo imtixaanka. Intaas waxaa sii dheer, kormeerka waxaa ka mid ah:
PPI - Kormeerka Wax Soosaarka Hore
DPI - Kormeerka Wax-Soo-Saarka
PSI--Pre-shipemnt inspection service
CLC - Hubinta Raritaanka Weelka
CCICFJ inspectors receive regular training in their fields of specialization, including Softlines (Garments, Footwear, Textiles), Hardlines (Toys, Electronics & Electrical, Cosmetics, Jewelry, Eyewear), Food etc.
CCICFJ specializing in export-import consulting and quality management, and ensuring the safety and quality of your goods with all efforts.will be your most sincere friend and provide you with the excellent services.

WAA MAXAY Macaamiisha Dheeraad?
"Way fududahay in la jadwaleeyo, natiijooyinka dhakhsaha badan, warbixin faahfaahsan. Waad ku mahadsan tahay."
"CCIC waa shirkad khibrad leh. Waxaan si buuxda ugu qanacsanahay kormeerida kahor imaatinka ay sameeyeen."
"Jacayl la shaqeynta shirkadan. Waxay qabtaan shaqo caynkaas ah oo cajiib ah. Aad ayaad u mahadsan tihiin"
"Using them for a long time for quality inspection. Good communication and professional service. Recommended!"
— Daruisz