Pausahaan pamariksaan sareng uji pihak katilu
China Certification & Inspection Group Fujian Co.,Ltd.(abbreviated as CCICFJ)was invested by China Certification & Inspection Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as CCIC). It is a comprehensive third-party organization with inspection, testing, identification and technical services.
CCICFJ has thoroughly established quality management system which in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020,and been accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS) and certificated by Certification And Accreditation Administration Of P.R.C(CNCA) .
Salaku salah sahiji perusahaan pamariksaan sareng tés anu paling terkenal sareng profesional di Cina, perusahaan kami didedikasikan pikeun nyayogikeun palanggan ti sakumna dunya sareng jangka panjang, jasa propésional sareng solusi "one-stop" terpadu. Jasa kami dibagi kana 2 bagian utama: pamariksaan jeung tés. Salaku tambahan, pamariksaan kalebet:
PPI - Pamariksaan Pra-Produksi
DPI - Salami-produksi Inspeksi
PSI--Pre-shipemnt inspection service
CCICFJ inspectors receive regular training in their fields of specialization, including Softlines (Garments, Footwear, Textiles), Hardlines (Toys, Electronics & Electrical, Cosmetics, Jewelry, Eyewear), Food etc.
CCICFJ specializing in export-import consulting and quality management, and ensuring the safety and quality of your goods with all efforts.will be your most sincere friend and provide you with the excellent services.

"Gampang ngajadwalkeun, hasil gancang, wincikan lengkep. Hatur nuhun."
"CCIC mangrupikeun perusahaan anu profésional pisan. Abdi parantos wareg dina pamariksaan pra-kiriman anu aranjeunna dilakukeun."
"Asih tiasa damel sareng perusahaan ieu. Aranjeunna ngalakukeun tugas sapertos sapertos endah pisan, hatur nuhun pisan❤"
"Using them for a long time for quality inspection. Good communication and professional service. Recommended!"
— Daruisz